Tuesday, January 29, 2013


This past week has been kind of a struggle for me.  I think I've finally entered the stage of grief where I'm kind of angry.  Angry at him, angry at me, angry at others, angry at my other blog...  This did not mix well with a mysterious gain of one pound this week. Nonetheless I literally woke up one morning after wrestling with all of these things and my head was clear and I was thinking these words: I choose to go forward.

 I really do think that things come to us just when we need them (ok, most of the time) and so I suppose that it was no coincidence that I read a blog post, Thoughts on Vegans, by a local musician, Zach.  While Zach and I have never actually met we travel in a few of the same circles of art and music shows and festivals so I've had the good fortune to hear him perform many times.  So I guess it's not surprising that after reading his blog that a song that he wrote came to mind.

The song is called "Be" and some of the lyrics are 'Be the change that you want to see, Only you can be what you want to be.'  I know that this song has a much broader and nobler scope than weight loss but it is a message that inspires me and I hope it will inspire you too.

In case the video won't load, here's a link to it on YouTube.


  1. (((HUGS))) to you. I'm sorry that you are struggling this week. Here's hoping that things will start looking up. Are you, by chance, in counseling? Maybe talking to a therapist can help?

  2. Thank you. Yes, I do see a therapist and also attend a grief support group occasionally. My therapist also suffered a significant loss in his life and has been tremendously helpful. I have an appointment with him next week.
